Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What to Look for in Web Survey Software

Not all web survey software used to create online questionnaires has the same features, but there are some minimum functions that one should expect to be offered. Some of these features include:

The ability to create an introduction and conclusion message that will be presented to respondents of the survey.
The software should support a variety of types of questions, including categorical, multiple choice, ordinal, matrix and text.
The survey questions should offer the options of mandatory questions, conditional questions, short answer identifiers and the ability to offer comments.
The web survey software should allow the creator to specify access, either public, private or by web site interception.
A question randomizer should also be included in the software.
A progress bar should also be an option.

There is much more that should be offered by any software used to create a web survey, but the above should be available at a minimum.

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